Lena - letolena518@gmail.com

Alias: Lena
Exfil: letolena518@gmail.com
Country: Poland
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I'm glad you wrote to me after all. maybe that's how we can start getting to know each other. I don't like being photographed. but I got a photo for you. I hope you like it. I would love to see your photos:) and photos from your life. Of course I'm interested in what you're into. tell us more about yourself. And why are you looking for relationships on the Internet?
where did you get my E-mail? )
My friends call me Lena. That's why you can call me that. But my full name is Elena. I am already 23 years old. How old are you? I have a medical degree. And I pass an internship (practice). I am engaged in plastic surgery, specializing in varicose veins. What kind of education do you have? What is your job? Do you like your job?
I hope to get your answer soon. After all, I don't often visit the Internet.
Sincerely Lena
